
Crochet granny square bag


Ever wondered how to assemble 13 granny squares into a bag? Easy. With the diagram I provided and using a zigzag slip stitch to join the squares together.

I made my 13 granny squares and then it was time to put them together.

Crochet grannysquare bag made from 13 squares

I used a zigzag slip stitch to join all the squares together. I knew I didn't want to use a needle to sew them together and the zigzag slip stitch had a lovely decorative look that goes perfectly with the sunburst granny squares.

The way I put them together is in the diagram below. I first went the circle from 1-12 in the purple color, then I did the side V shapes (green 1-2 and blue 1-2). When I did that I folded the bag in half and if you do the same you will see a natural line where to finish the last 2 joins. You need to join 3 squares on the left and 3 squares on the right side (I used arrows – red, green and blue and started with the red so it was joined in one go).

Here is the diagram for it.

How to postition and join 13 granny squares for a bag

For the handles I knew I wanted them around 30cm long. That took me 60 single crochet stitches to achieve. The corner of the sunburst granny square is made with (tc3, ch2, tc3) and I started from a triple crochet of the “peak” - corner, closest to the ch2, and ended - joined with a slip stitch on the other side again in the triple crochet stitch. To bridge to the other triple crochet I made a sc3 and a slip stitch. I did double crochet stitches all the way back and repeated the same on the other side for the second handle.

When the handles were done I single crochet all around the handles – from all sides.

Putting it together took me around 3h.

You can see the process of that in the video tutorials below.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Happy crafting

Alex xx



  • 03.10.2020 @Alex from

    Hi. Yes. To be hones my sister also wants a bit bigger bag that I made for my self. So in the future I will make some tutorials on different types of crochet granny squares. And how to make a larger bag.

  • 30.09.2020 @anonymous

    Is it possible to make a larger bag also? I have been learning to crochet with the granny squares and I have about 30 of them. It is not enough for a blanket, but when I saw your crochet bag and now I am thinking of making a bag.




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"As a beginner crochet lover I absolutely adore the free patterns you put on. It helped me improve my skills and the extended family is happy for all the crochet decoration I made this season. The patterns all have YouTube video tutorial to watch row by row how it is made. I learned new stitches and it was easy to crochet. Thank you." - Anna M.